Get your coat dating

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Throw on your extra-long Ralph Lauren trench coats and bust out your magnifying glasses, because datihg have a mystery on coxt hands that's sending millennials into a tizzy: Are and dating? You haven't heard of the alleged romance between the patron saint of muscle shirts and Duchess Meghan Markle's Well, fasten of your suspenders and get comfy. This story goes all the way back to—well, cost doesn't go back that far. Just to May 2017, when the singer and the Quantico actress attended the Met Gala together wearing Coag Lauren outfits. They arrived in a large bus and took pics on the carpet, and Chopra's trench coat was bigger than my thirst for Jonas. Naturally, I'm watching them on a loop. So you should too. Fast-forward to Memorial Day Weekend 2018, though, and it certainly seems like some steaminess is in the air. Hot people are interested in hot people! This quote is like saying the sky is blue or that You the Grocery Store Owner deserved better on premiere. It's an obvious statement. Us Weekly also reports Chopra and Jonas went on two dates over Memorial Youe Weekend, and we have proof of one of them. Eagle-eyed fans caught the two celebrities at a Los Angeles Dodgers game on Saturday May 26. They also reportedly attended the Beauty and the Beast Live show at the Hollywood Bowl on Friday, May 25. So, in other words, they sat next to each other, looked pretty, and dwting about pretty-people things. Sounds like a maybe-probably-who-knows celebrity relationship to me. But let's get to the real receipts, shall we? They were accompanied by other stars who you get your coat dating but probably haven't thought of in a while, like Chord Overstreet ofWilmer Valderrama, and the second best part of Scream Queens Glen Powell. In one, they're just sitting next to each other at dinner, which is boring, so daring blaze past it. There are only two caot why you'd be that close to another person: either to spill every detail of the royal wedding or to cuddle. And because Chopra's no-doubt exhausted by now talking about Markle's floral arrangements, the latter is very probable. Sure, maybe they were just cold, but also: Maybe. The tweets celebrating—and freaking out over—this possible courtship have the kind of passion you'd expect get your coat dating Nick Jonas fans. Below, some of the best ones: So what's our conclusion? Are Chopra and Jonas dating or not? I hate to be a drag, but we can't say for sure until one of them confirms. The evidence is mounting, though, and as Kris Jenner would say:.

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